
In addition to the standardized codes listed above, you are free to enter any other property label you want.

Warning: only use single-word codes - Puck does not allow for empty spaces in property codes!

Note: property codes are fixed and language-independent. They do not change by switching from one language to another.

Endogenous properties:

  • ALL - a pseudo-property that serves to remove a partition and to restore the unity of the underlying corpus

  • SEX - gender

  • GEN - generation (click here for the generation concept used by Puck)

  • FIRSTN - first name

  • LASTN - last name

  • ORD - birth order within the (cognatic) sibling group (according to the attribute BIRT Date)

  • FRATP - father, agnatic fratry

  • FRATM - mother, uterine fratry

  • PATRIC - agnatic apical ancestor, "patrilineage"

  • MATRIC - uterine apical ancestress, "matrilineage"

  • PATRID - distance to the agnatic apical ancestor, "agnatic generation"

  • MATRID - distance to the agnatic apical ancestress, "uterine generation"

  • DEPTH - distance to the most remote ancestor, maximal generational depth

  • MDEPTH - mean distance to ancestors, mean generational depth (formula of Cazes and Cazes)

  • PEDG x - number of ascendants (where x is a number specifying generational distance)

  • PROG x - number of descendants (where x is a number specifying generational distance)

  • SPOU - number of spouses

  • SIB - number of siblings

Exogenous properties (Gedcom codes):

Using this property for redefining spouses in order to effect a second relational or matrimonial census permits a complex matrimonial or relational census (multiple kinship relations or intersecting matrimonial rings).

  • BIRT - birth (place/date/year)

  • DEAT - death (place/date/year)

  • MARR - marriage (place/date/year/alter)

Binarizing this property according to place, date or period and using this binarized property for redefining spouses in order to effect a second relational or matrimonial census permits a restricted matrimonial census

  • DIV - divorce (place/date/year/alter)

  • BAP - baptism (place/date/year)

  • BURI - burial (place/date/year)

  • DECO - decoration (place/date/year)

  • EDUC - education

  • NATI - nationality

  • OCCU - occupation

  • RELI - religion

  • RESI - residence

  • TITL - title